Izberi temo
Izklop teme

Project Implementation

The Celje Regional Waste Management Centre is a modern and demanding project which required a lot of knowledge, both in its preparatory phase and when it is under construction.

The willingness and cooperation of the general public was of key importance for the implementation of Slovenia’s precedential project in comprehensive waste management. 

A timeline of activities:

The Waste Management Strategy for the Celje Municipality is adopted.

Preparatory work begins for the construction of the Celje Regional Waste Management Centre.

A study of the Programme Concept for the construction of the Regional Waste Management Centre is elaborated. The macro and micro locations of the centre are selected and the preliminary design of the facilities is prepared. 

A long-term plan representing the basis for the start of construction is adopted. Numerous public hearings with presentations of the project are conducted. 

The City Municipality of Celje signs the contract on the co-financing of the Celje Regional Waste Management Centre, thus acceding to the joint project for waste management in the Celje region, which will solve the problem of the regional waste management infrastructure.

The tender documentation for EU Cohesion Fund grants for the First Phase is prepared in June. 
In December, the Commission makes the decision to co-finance the project. 

The tender documentation for EU Cohesion Fund grants for the Second Phase is prepared in October.
In December, the Commission makes the decision to co-finance the second phase of the project. 

The construction of the First Phase of the Celje Regional Waste Management Centre begins.

The construction of the Second Phase of the Celje Regional Waste Management Centre begins.

The RWMC Celje facilities enter the trial running stage.
19th June: the grand opening of the Celje Regional Waste Management Centre's Phase I facilities.
18th September: the grand opening of the Celje Heating Plant


This project is partially financed by the European Union


This project is partially financed by the Republic of Slovenia


This project contributes to the reduction of economic and social disparities between the citizens of the European Union



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